czwartek, 20 marca 2014

Answers for Th!nk all chapter and level

chapter 1: chapter 2: chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6

    Man     Run     Love     101 Dalmatians     Chair     Police
    Woman     Walk     Peace     12 Angry Men     Sunglasses     Thief
    Child     Sleep     Happy     Cars     Bicycle     Firefighter
    Car     Fall     Sad     Batman     Scooter     Chef
    Bus     Jump     Angry     Fight Club     Train     Baker
    Sun     Dance     Scared     The Dark Knight     Stairs     Artist
    Tree     Fight     Beauty     The Godfather     Superman     Stop
    Rain     Clean     Wind     Sleeping Beauty     Spiderman     Skip
    Cactus     Fish     Cold     Reservoir Dogs     Captain America     Kick
    Money     Swim     Hot     The Mummy     Mickey Mouse     Beg
    House     Pinch     Idea     Beauty and The Beast     James Bond     Skate
    Scissors     Wink     Summer     The Parent Trap     Albert Einstein     Erupt

chapter 7 chapter 8 chapter 9 chapter 10 chapter 11 chapter 12

    Dog     Torch     Throw     Harry Potter     Breaking Bad     Table Tennis
    Cage     Cowboy     Clap     The Mighty Ducks     How I Met Your Mother     Bowling
    Mailbox     Web     Climb     A Bug’s Life     Two and A Half Men     Rugby
    Spider     Basket     Dig     Little Mermaid     American Dad     Soccer
    Penguin     Flamingo     Pull     High School Musical     House     Golf
    Shovel     Brain     Push     Life Of Pi     Doctor Who     Cricket
    Popcorn     Wash     Pirates Of The Caribbean     Live Long and Prosper     France     Genie
    Trumpet     Shake     Forrest Gump     Fly On The Wall     USA     Harry Potter
    Trolley     Crawl     Star Wars     Stealing Thunder     India     Batman
    Seesaw     Gallop     Good Will Hunting     A Dime A Dozen     Italy     Green Lantern
    Swordfish     Twirl     Jaws     Knee Jerk Reaction     Egypt     Hulk
    Pizza     Punch     The Princess Diaries     Head Over Heels In Love     England     Frankenstein

chapter 13 chapter 14 chapter 15

    Volcano     Stamp     Winter
    Trap     March     Future
    Knot     Ride     Music
    Mirror     Dive     Party
    Mine     Knit     Small
    Hydrant     Chase     Big
    Book     Talk     Danger
    Flag     Hug     Evolution
    Clock     Hear     Midnight
    Island     Touch     Noon
    Son     Cry     Fast
    Daughter     Sing     Slow

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